pencil drawing
Virtual Sittings
My second attempt at Gabe.
Daily Practice, Virtual Sittings
Ana, first sitting
Ana, second sitting
Daily Practice, Virtual Sittings continued
April 25
April 25
April 26, Mother & Daughter
April 26
Virtual Sittings, continued.
I glad I have so many friends who are willing to sit for me via video apps. My go to model is my niece. She’s a trooper. But also a big thanks to my friend, Thip who sat for me over two nights. I’m getting closer to her likeness, but I might need another sitting to accurately depict her.
April 24.
I decided to change mediums today. Inspired and a little fearful of doing a quick oil sketch of my niece. I like the result. I like the looseness and energy of this portrait. I’ll have to try to channel this mind set to future finished paintings.
April 22.
First sitting with Thip. I wasn’t too excited about this when I finished it but I think it turned out to be the better of the two.
April 23.
30 Faces, 30 Days Chalenge, Week 3, April 15-21
It was a bit of slog this week as I drew myself. Part of me thought about just getting the work done. Keep churning out stuff. And through that production I’ll get better. I now also have three weeks of self portraits that I could look back on to assess my progression. Here are a few thoughts: 1. I have a tendency to elongate my face. It’s quite obvious in this week’s drawings. I’ll have to be keep that in mind is this last week’s drawings. 2. I’m losing track of one of the objectives of this challenge which is to just bang them out. The week 1 drawings were the ones I produced in the shortest amount of time, the most accurate and loosest. I’m tightening up right now and need to return to my week 1 mentality.
April 15
April 16
April 17
April 18
April 19
April 20
April 21
Video Sitting Sessions
Over the last few days i’ve been asking friends and family to sit for me via Skype, Zoom or any other video app. The video apps tend to have poor resolution so it’s been an advantage for me because I could only sketch the general facial landmarks of my sitters’ faces. I got away from being too detailed with my drawings.
Rick. Sold.
30 Faces, 30 Days. April 8-14
Continuing with this challenge. I’m still in a mind set of what is a different way of drawing my face than the previous day’s iteration, be it through different medium or angle. Maybe I should just choose the same medium and pose and try to concentrate on depicting my face so it transcends it just being a self portrait and touches upon the deeper aspects of what makes my face my face. At least I’m aware of this mindset.
April 8, 2020
April 9, 2020
April 10, 2020
April 11, 2020
April 13, 2020
April 14, 2020
30 Faces, 30 days April 1-7, 2020
I’m trying to look at the positive of this COvid-19 induced self isolation. I’m trying to draw and paint more everyday since I was laid off 2 weeks ago. It’s easy to slip into a funk without the daily routine of work and extracurricular activities to keep me busy. I read somewhere busy is no longer an excuse for the lack of art making. Very true.
So there’s been a 30 faces, 30 day challenge floating around the interweb and I thought I’d throw my hat into the ring. I’m on a draw from life binge lately, and since self isolation has cancelled the sessions I had arranged with a few friends, you’ll be seeing your’s truly for the next month! PArt of my personal objective is not to be too precious with these drawings. Just bang them out… or at least that’s the plan.
Here are the first 7 self portraits.
April 1, 2020
April 2, 2020
April 3, 2020
April 4, 2020
April 5, 2020
April 6, 2020
April 7, 2020